Peter Quill was originally born on Earth, but dreamed of exploring the vast reaches of space. After a chance meeting with a celestial being on one of his first trips off world, Quill chose to venture out on his own to find adventure among the stars as the intergalactic hero Star-Lord. An expert marksman and a clever tactician, Star-Lord leads the motley group of heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy against any and all threats across the cosmos.
Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.
1 Star-Lord Miniature
1 Base
1 Affiliation Card
1 Crisis Card
1 Character Stat Card
2 Team Tactic Cards
1 Infinity Gem Card
14 Tokens
Manufacturer: Asmodee
Shipping: For Metro Manila orders, shipments are fulfilled by couriers with shipping rates fixed at ₱200 along with a 2-day delivery guarantee. For nationwide deliveries outside Metro Manila, the rate is fixed at ₱300 with a 5-day delivery guarantee.
Payment: We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, bank transfer, and PayMaya Wallet.